Forum on Youth Homelessness

I saw that United States Interagency Council on Homelessness was doing an open forum on the issue of youth homelessness and figured that they would want as much input as they can get!

They are looking for ideas on strategies to combat youth homelessness up to age 24. Review their questions below, and share with anyone you feel would be interested! Submissions will be accepted until April 30th.

The following are questions USICH has been deliberating since the release of Opening Doors. These are questions we are asking you to help us answer:

  • What are strategies we could use to obtain a confident estimate of the number of unaccompanied youth up through age 24 currently experiencing homelessness?
  • What do we know about youth with different risk and protective factors and how that relates to what they need to resolve their homelessness?
  • What are strategies to increase evidence of effective interventions for youth, including underserved populations (e.g., LGBT youth, sexually exploited youth, child welfare involved youth, pregnant and parenting youth, justice involved youth, youth at risk of contracting HIV, or youth with initial onset of serious mental illness)?
  • Where has your community experienced the most success in preventing or reducing youth homelessness? What housing and service interventions work? What elements have been key to successful efforts?
  • How could alignment between funding/policies and effective practices for youth be improved in providing housing and services? How can resources and practices be wisely-aligned and cost-effectively applied to amplify your state/local work?
  • What are good examples of cross-disciplinary collaboration that have been effective in preventing or reducing youth homelessness?

I’m sure any input would be most appreciated!